Elswick Pool - Moving Forward 2015 - This consultation has now ended

Elswick Pool is closing at the end of October. We want to hear your views on how you use it, and your ideas for the future. Please complete the survey to give us your views on this, by 17th September 2015. We will use your views to help us plan how we will support people who have been using Elswick Pool. The findings will be available on let's talk Newcastle and on our website. 
You can read more about why Elswick Pool is closing here: Elswick Pool to close
If you have any questions about this, please email us at: letstalk@newcastle.gov.uk
  • Benwell & Scotswood
  • Wingrove
  • Blakelaw
  • Elswick

Start Date

08 September 2015

End Date

17 September 2015


Days Remaining


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