Get Involved - Create a Better City
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We collect information about people who register on Let's talk Newcastle to help us understand more about people's answers and about the needs of different groups of people who take part in our consultations. Your personal information will be stored securely, and only used by Newcastle City Council for these purposes. It will not be shared with other organisations. If you would like to change your personal information or have it removed at any time, you can do this by logging into your account and changing it. You can read our full privacy policy here.
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Is your Gender the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability (a health problem or other disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months)?
Please enter a description for your disability in the field below.
Please enter a description for your ethnicity in the field below.
Please enter a description for your sexuality in the field below.
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