Newcastle City Council introduced a Selective Licensing scheme in April 2011 which required

The scheme objective is to help improve the quality of private rented properties in the neighbourhood and help towards improving the neighbourhood by reducing the number of empty properties, turnover of tenants, increase demand for housing and reduce anti-social behaviour.
The scheme has now been running for 4 years and we are assessing the impact that it is having on the area. The information gathered will help the Council make a decision on whether or not introduce a new scheme for a further 5 years from April 2016.
The views of local landlords, residents and other stakeholders are important and will be taken in to account when we are considering the options, so please take the time to complete the relevant online survey.
If you have questions about this consultation, or about these issues, the Licensing Team now have an office in St Martin’s Church on Roman Avenue, which is open every Thursday from 12.00 pm to 4.00pm. You are welcome to drop in to discuss ongoing issues and the assessment process for the Byker area. The team can also be contacted by email at: or telephone: 0191 211 6102.