Investing in a fairer future: Our budget for 2017-2018 - This consultation has now ended

We have to make some difficult decisions about how we save £30m from our budget for next year. You can see more about this here:

You can find out more about the background to our budget by visiting our website here: Budget 2017-2020, or reading these documents:
We've already asked you to give us your opinions about how our councillors should make the decisions needed to set a legal budget, using our online tool: Let's Talk Newcastle's Budget. We'd now like you to tell us what you think about our specific proposals, and about the general direction we should be taking in the next three years. 
Here's our specific proposals:
  1. Life Chances - Commissioning for Crisis Response and Homelessness Prevention
  2. The Care and Protection of Children and Young People Age 0-24 – Assessment and Intervention  
  3. The Care and Protection of Children and Young People Age 0-24 - A Safe Place to Live 
  4. Care and Support for Adults - Early Intervention and Prevention  
  5. Continuing Care and Support for Adults - Complex or Multiple Needs 
  6. Commercial Property Portfolio 
  7. Communities Team  
  8. Leisure Centres - Kenton Park and Newburn  
  9. Baltic 39  
  10. Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives 
  11. Highways, Local Services and Waste Management 
  12. School Crossing Patrols  
  13. Public Safety and Regulation  
  14. Economic Development - Newcastle Gateshead Initiative and Newcastle Futures
  15. Council Tax and Social Care Precept 
  16. Health Improvement for Ethnic Minorities and Migrant Communities  
We'd also like you to tell us about the general direction we intend to take in the future, and give us any other comments you'd like make on our proposals:
17. Our future direction, and other comments - click here for a list of all proposals: Appendix 2: Summary of Service Proposals 2017 -2020 

You can give us your views by taking part in our online surveys below. Or you can email us at:, or write to us at: Letstalk Newcastle Budget Consultation 2016, c/o Policy and Communications Team, Room 245, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH.You can also contact us by email or post at the above details if you need the consultation materials in different formats such as large print.
What happens next
We will consult on our draft budget proposals from 12 October to 31 December 2016. On 13 February 2017 Cabinet will agree the post-consultation budget and will recommend it to full Council. Council will then meet on 1 March 2017 to debate and vote on the budget. We will publish the final budget proposals, including a report on the consultation findings, on our website: Newcastle City Council. Thank you for giving us your views. 

Start Date

11 October 2016

End Date

31 December 2016


Days Remaining



Dear resident,

Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas and feedback on the city's draft budget proposals. The consultation period closed on 31 December and we’re now considering all of the comments and feedback that have been put forward. All this will be reflected in the report that is now being prepared and will be published on our website on 3 February 2017. Cabinet will consider the consultation responses before recommending a budget to council who will make the final decision on 1 March 2017.

You can also keep up to date with all this on the council’s Facebook page or Twitter.


Newcastle City Council


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