One Core Strategy Consultation 2012 - This consultation has now ended

Many working families want to live in affordable three or four bedroom homes in safe neighbourhoods. But every year about 2,000 residents choose to move out of Gateshead and Newcastle because they feel there is more choice of affordable homes in North Tyneside, Northumberland and County Durham.
Following our initial consultation we listened to your views and concerns. From Wednesday 20 June 2012 until Thursday 13 September we will be again asking what you think of our draft plans. You can get involved in a number of ways.
If you want your opinions on our plans to be formally considered in this consultation process you must register these here from Wednesday 20 June 2012 until Thursday 13 September:
You can also come along to any of the special events across the city - details can be found on the calendar function on the home page of this web site.

Start Date

23 May 2012

End Date

13 September 2012


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation. You can find out more about our Core Strategy here: One Core Strategy. If you have queries about the consultation findings, please contact us at:


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