About the CIL
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which allows planning authorities to raise funds from developments to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. Newcastle City Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy was approved by Full Council on 2 November 2016 and came into effect on 14 November 2016.
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which allows planning authorities to raise funds from developments to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. Newcastle City Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy was approved by Full Council on 2 November 2016 and came into effect on 14 November 2016.
More information here:
About the engagement
We want to let you know about this report so you can give us your views on it. Any comments should be emailed to: CIL@newcastle.gov.uk
We want to let you know about this report so you can give us your views on it. Any comments should be emailed to: CIL@newcastle.gov.uk
What we want you to do
We welcome your views on this report. We ntend is to use the feedback we receive during the engagement process to inform how we allocate this portion of the CIL receipt in future. If you need this information in a different format, such as large print, please contact us at: letstalk@newcastle.govuk . You can also contact us at this email if you have any questions about this. Please give your views by 14 December. We will let you know what we find out by publishing the findings here on Let’s Talk Newcastle online. Thank you for giving us your views.
Additional Information
15% (in non-Parish Council areas) of the total must be used towards neighbourhood improvements in the area where the development takes place. For non-parished areas it is up to the city council to decide how the money is allocated, but national guidance does require local engagement. The money can be spent on revenue or capital, and should meet local needs.
15% (in non-Parish Council areas) of the total must be used towards neighbourhood improvements in the area where the development takes place. For non-parished areas it is up to the city council to decide how the money is allocated, but national guidance does require local engagement. The money can be spent on revenue or capital, and should meet local needs.
We propose that money received for non-parished areas should be allocated to spend on open space, green infrastructure and children’s play. This would meet two of the Council’s priorities of Environment and Health & Social Care, helping to tackle inequality and develop decent neighbourhoods, and assisting with the wider agenda of improving health and wellbeing.
We have a strong emerging evidence base supporting the investment priorities for open space, recreation grounds, trees and children’s play parks, so there is a strong case for allocating any neighbourhood contributions to these areas of work, as all areas of the city require investment in them. This would also help to mitigate the impact of new development, by investing in local facilities that will benefit existing and new residents.
The majority of our evidence base reports for "open space assets" have divided the city into four sub-areas: East, West, North and Outer (see image above). This has the benefit of allowing a more "holistic" assessment of needs in these areas. We propose that investment from the CIL neighbourhood portion will be aligned with these sub-areas.
We intend that the neighbourhood element of any CIL payment will be spent within the city quarter where the development is located, and will be allocated according to the priorities set out in approved investment frameworks (including play areas, trees, open space or recreation grounds). Any specific project spend would still be subject to the Council’s existing approval processes.