Shaping our future together: our medium-term plan 2019-2020 to 2021-22 - This consultation has now ended

Our financial position remains very challenging. Newcastle has faced cuts that are unfair and disproportionate, more than twice the national average since 2010. By 2019-20 we will be in the ninth year of austerity. Over the period to 2022, we will have had to save a staggering £327 million due to government cuts and increasing cost pressures. Find out more here:

Over the next three years we need to save £60 million. The funding gap in 2019-20 is £20 million, assuming an increase in Council Tax, the savings requirement is £16.9 million. 

You can find out more about the background to our budget by visiting our website here: Shaping Our Future Together or by reading these documents:

More details about proposals that will impact on services in 2019-20 are set out in Integrated Impact Assessments:
  1. Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
  2. Community Hubs, Libraries and Contact Centre
  3. Waste Disposal - Charitable Organisations
  4. Parking Services - Review of Customer Offer
  5. Supporting Independence Scheme
  6. Financial Services
  7. Council Tax and Adult Social Care Precept
You can give us your views by taking part in our online surveys below. Or you can email us at:, or write to us at: Letstalk Newcastle Medium Term Plan, c/o Policy and Communications Team, 1st Floor, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH. 
You can also contact us by email or post at the above details if you need the consultation materials in different formats such as large print.
What happens next
We will consult on our draft budget proposals from 9 November 2018 until 6 January 2019. In February 2019 Cabinet will agree the post-consultation budget and will recommend it to full Council. Council will then meet in March 2019 to debate and vote on the budget. 
We will publish the final budget proposals, including a report on the consultation findings, on our website: Newcastle City Council 
Thank you for giving us your views. 

Start Date

09 November 2018

End Date

06 January 2019


Days Remaining


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