Lemington Annual Ward Priorities 2018-2019 - This consultation has now ended

Following the recent ward boundary review, a ‘new’ Lemington ward has been created and local ward councillors are asking residents who live within the new boundaries for their views. Find out more here:

The annual Ward Priority Setting meeting continues to be led by local Ward Councillors. In consultation with residents, groups and agencies, the meeting will help identify priorities and ways in which they might be delivered. We have already been listening to what residents have to say and this has helped us come up with some questions we would like to ask you. You can do this by attending the event or giving us your views using the short online survey below. 

If you would like this information in a different format, such as large print, or you have questions about it, please contact Louise Cameron louise.cameron@newcastle.gov.uk. Please give us your views on this before 6 January 2019 
  • Lemington

Start Date

03 December 2018

End Date

06 January 2019


Days Remaining



Thanks to everyone who took part in the Lemington Ward Priorities 2019 consultation at the start of this year. To find out more about what's happening in Lemington Ward and what we're prioritising, visit the Lemington Ward website here: 

Lemington Ward Website

If you have any questions, please contact the ward co-ordinator, Louise Cameron: louise.cameron@newcastle.gov.uk 


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