Proposal to close All Saints Church of England College and for a Studio School to be opened on the site 2012 - This consultation has now ended

The Department for Education’s has indicated that, in their opinion, the educational standards at All Saints College are not good enough and that the school is not improving fast enough and that the school should close or become a sponsored academy.  The School Trustees, supported by the governing body, has proposed an alternative solution - that there should be a managed closure, over 2 years, of the school and that a Studio School should open thereafter on the site, subject to successful application.  A managed closure would give time for alternative arrangements to be made for students currently at All Saints and students who might have expected to attend the school in the future.  
Studio Schools are small schools (up to 300 places) for 14-19 year olds which offer more personalised and vocational opportunities for students. They must be supported by a successful school so Kenton School has indicated its willingness to propose the Studio School working in partnership with the Diocese, other secondary schools and the LA. 
Studio schools are designed to engage young people who might not otherwise reach their full potential in traditional school environments and are seen as a radical alternative that could transform communities and make a real difference to the lives of young people.  They aim to cultivate skills as well as qualifications, offering a more hands on approach to learning tailored to students’ individual needs and aspirations.  They will offer practical learning and real work placements and a range of academic and vocational qualifications to students from a broad range of abilities. 
Anyone may comment on either of the proposals but it would be helpful to know if respondents could tell us who they are, either:
1. A member of staff, a governor, a pupil or a parent of a pupil at All Saints College or 
2. A member of staff, a governor, a pupil or a parent of pupil at an All Saints feeder school
3. A member of staff, a governor, a pupil or a parent of pupil at another school in the City
4.  Other
The consultation will be open until 16 November 2012.
  • Denton & Westerhope

Start Date

04 October 2012

End Date

31 December 2012


Days Remaining


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