Give us your views on Healthwatch Newcastle 2023 - Stakeholder Consultation: - This consultation has now ended

We want to hear from stakeholders about their views on current and future delivery from Healthwatch Newcastle. (Please note that this survey is not intended for members of the public -  if you are a member of the public, there will be a separate survey coming soon).
Healthwatch Newcastle is a statutory service which Newcastle Council commissions under guidance from Healthwatch England (find out more here: ) which is hosted by the Community Interest Company (CIC), Tell Us North. We invite stakeholders including VCS members, councillors, council staff and public sector staff to take part in this consultation and provide us with your views and experience in relation to Healthwatch Newcastle (whether or not you have used their services), so that we can shape the offer appropriately.
Healthwatch Newcastle undertakes the following:
  • general advice about health and social care, including important things, such as registering with or contacting services and making a complaint. Their website also directs people to services that may be useful. 
  • engagement events and undertake research to get general and specific information about public experience of health and social care services. They use this information to influence and shape health and social care services.
  • they are concerned with equity of access and delivery for all residents across health and social care services. 
  • they use patient experience and data & intelligence to inform important forums, such as the Health and Wellbeing Board, Safeguarding Adults Board and Newcastle Overview and Scrutiny, as well as talking to commissioners in the City Council and Integrated Care Board NENC (NHS).
Their work priorities are based on public feedback, Healthwatch England priorities, and where they can add value to, and scrutiny of, service development, redesign and delivery, using their statutory powers where necessary.
If you are a councillor, council staff or public sector staff member, or work in the voluntary and community sector, please take part in the survey - see below.
We can provide the questions in a different format, such as large print, and you can contact Kate Bowman at: to ask for this.
We will also hold an in-person event for providers who may be interested in learning more about, or hosting, the Healthwatch Newcastle contract on 18th October 2023, 10am-12.30pm in the Civic Centre. Again, please contact Kate Bowman at: for details and to register.

Start Date

02 October 2023

End Date

25 October 2023


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation. You can find out more about the results by emailing us at: Find out more here: Healthwatch Newcastle.


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