Give us your views on Healthwatch Newcastle 2023 - Public Consultation - This consultation has now ended

Healthwatch Newcastle gives general advice about health and social care. Important things, such as registering with or contacting services and making a complaint.  Our website also directs people to services that may be useful.
We also run engagement events and undertake research to get general and specific information about the public’s experience of health and social care services. Healthwatch Newcastle uses this information to influence and shape health and social care services to meet the needs by providing it to important forums such as the Health and Wellbeing Board and Newcastle Overview and Scrutiny, as well as to commissioners in the City Council and Integrated Care Board NENC (NHS).
We want to hear from the public about their views on the current information, signposting, sharing experience on health and social care services which are provided by Healthwatch Newcastle (even if you haven’t used them). We are also keen to know what we can do going forward to support people using health and social care so that we can shape the offer appropriately.
The online survey is part of the opportunity we are offering for you to give us your feedback. 
We can provide the survey or questions in a different format, such as on paper, large print and you can contact to make arrangements.
Read more on InformationNOW about: Having your say about health and care services
Create your own online surveys with SmartSurvey.

Start Date

04 October 2023

End Date

20 October 2023


Days Remaining



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