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What do you think about our draft Adult Social Care Working Together Plan in 2024? - This consultation has now ended


Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council want to get better at working with people who live in Newcastle who access our services. Please share your views.

We held sessions in January and gave out activity packs for people to help us shape what the Plan looks like. Now we want to share a draft of the Plan and check that people think that is the right way to do things. 
This plan for working together will help when we are:  
  • changing how services we offer are delivered
  • designing new services or plans for how we work 
  • looking at offering new contracts to companies and organisations who provide services on our behalf or hiring new staff members  
You can either comment on the Plan by using the text box below, or you can ask us for an electronic or paper copy to comment on and return to us. Ask for this here: Link 
You can also call us on 01912 116297You can also call us on 01912 116297 or email with any questions. 
The feedback review period will close on 11 March 2024, any comments received after then may not be reflected in the final version of the Plan.  
We will use your answers to help shape our Working Together Plan. Our findings will be published here on Let's talk Newcastle Online, and we will publish the final plan on the Council's website:

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